Popular Nigerian singer and other half of the P-square group, Paul Okoye, has called out women in new post on Instagram as he contended that men won’t say a word when they take care of women, but women aren’t always discreet about their good deeds to men.
The singer, who ended the post with a laughter smiley, jocularly called out women for always “letting the whole world know” when they do a thing for men. He wrote: “A man will take care of a woman 10 million times and won’t say a word. But the day a woman buys Maggi to add to the soup, the whole world will hear how she has been feeding you, lol.”
This raised a lot of reactions from his followers and other social media users, as many had dissimilar opinions about his stand. While some said he was right, some women had told him to edit his post to ‘some women’ as they believe not all women are like that.
“Speak for your wife, not all women biko,” a user with the name Veevogee told him. Another user with the name Wonder lady said: “Not all jor. A lot of women feed men and you won’t even know.”